Blog 3 LIGHT – Motion: Freeze and Blur

Freezing Motion

I love glitter and thought it would be fun to play with capturing how it falls in a photograph.  I set up a spot on the table with my camera on a small tripod and had my husband pouring the glitter as I snapped the shot.  The next shot I was playing around with stopping the motion of water, we tried several different set ups of my husband pouring the water, but the most interesting drops came straight from the faucet.  I think its cool to see how the droplets form. I set up the shot by resting the camera on the sink and turning the faucet on to barely drip.


1. Glitter Freeze  2. 1/19, 3:00pm, living room  3. Focal Length  55  4. F/stop 5.6  5. Shutter Speed  1/1,000 6. Camera tripod and indoor apartment lighting


1. Water Drops  2. 1/19, 3:10pm, living room  3. Focal Length  55  4. F/stop 5.6  5. Shutter Speed  1/800 6. Camera resting on sink and indoor apartment lighting

Blurring Motion

These photos were especially fun for my daughter since she got to help out and model for me.  I set up the shot by moving my camera with her as my husband pushed her past me in her toy car.  I also tried some glitter and focused on the pile of glitter to capture the falling motion of the glitter. Then finally I really like the pattern on my back pack and wanted to try blurring the image as I zoomed out, I like the popping pattern it created with the shapes and colors.


1. Child Driver  2. 1/19, 4:30pm, living room  3. Focal Length  18  4. F/stop 4  5. Shutter Speed  1/30 6. Camera moving with subject, indoor apartment lighting


1. Falling Glitter  2. 1/19, 3:05pm, living room  3. Focal Length  51  4. F/stop 5.6  5. Shutter Speed  1/60 6. Camera tripod and indoor apartment lighting


1. Geometric Zooming  2. 1/19, 5:00pm, living room  3. Focal Length  34  4. F/stop 13  5. Shutter Speed  1/25 6. Camera zoomed out while snapping photo.

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