Activity 8: Tasteful Typography



JaleneStradling-ChalkTexture JaleneStradling-DoorTexture1 JaleneStradling-Metal-WoodTexture

JaleneStradling-TexturePhotography-Wood JaleneStradling-TextureDoor JaleneStradling-PaperTexture JaleneStradling-MetalTexture

JaleneStradling-WallPaperTexture JaleneStradling-WallPaperTextureQuote

For this activity we traveled to a remote ghost town in Montana called Bannack Ghost town.  The town itself was full of rich history and lots of awesome textures all over.  I really love textures and have come to love overlaying textures in my everyday photography.  I wanted to capture the different textures of the buildings we were able to explore.  I then edited them in photoshop to accentuate the textures I captured.  Finally I added some tasteful typography to a few images that describe my theme for this project.

Fonts used:

Title: Trend RH Sans One, Decorative Sans-Serif

Body: Heiti SC Light, Sans-Serif

Master Pages in InDesign

Hey everyone, I made a quick tutorial about how to use Master Pages in Indesign.  Master pages are super helpful to quickly set up repeating elements in a document or book such as page numbers, background colors/images, logos, headers and footers.  This would be a really great feature to use when creating the photo-books because you can set up certain layouts and apply them to certain pages within your design.

JaleneStradingIndesign Master Pages

Watch this quick tutorial on how to why you would use Master Pages and how to set them up in InDesign.


Here is a link to my power point


JaleneStradlingInDesignPowerPoint  (Pdf version)


This video was super helpful in helping me set up Master Pages in Indesign.


These shots are all my creative images from our trip to Bannack.  The first is a levitation image that combines 2 photos to make a subject floating in the air for the final image.  The next photos are creative and abstract images that I found while exploring the town of Bannack.

  1. Levitation



2. Out of the Box


3. Abstract Texture and color:  I explored with adding some color and texture overlays to the original image.



4. Color overlay: I added a textured colored image to achieve this image.




The Fine Art assignment was my favorite part of the Bannack trip because I felt like my fine art skills would best be shown in small details of things.  I wanted to stop and capture parts of things that others may not have otherwise thought to capture.

JaleneStradling-FineArt-Blog-RingJaleneStradlingFineArtBlog-Pews JaleneStradlingFineArt-Grayscale JaleneStradlingFineArt-Door-Blog JaleneStradlingFineArt1-b

Bracketed Image

JaleneStradling-Bracketed   JaleneStradling-Bracketed-2 JaleneStradling-Bracketed-0JaleneStradling-Bracketed+2


For these portraits we traveled to an old Ghost town in Bannack, Montana. It was a fun trip where we got to learn the history of the town and then explore on our own to capture different types of images to add to our portfolios.  One of my favorite parts was practicing our portrait photography because we got to use professional lighting equipment.  This was a totally new experience for me and something that I would love to invest in, in the future. I loved working with the different set ups and especially the models, they were so willing to try out different poses for us inexperienced photographers and helped with ideas.

  1. Sad Indian Girl

JaleneStradling-IndianPortrait-blog2. Prairie Girl on Stairs


3. Indian Couple


4. Teacher


5. Ghost



Blog 7 PORTRAITS- Portraits & Enhancements

For this project I had my family model for me so I could work on improving my portrait shots.  I must say taking portraits of children is hard work, I posed them so many times and by the time I could snap my photo they had moved, I had to work quickly.  My husband was also less than thrilled that I made him be in some of the shots.  I had originally intended to photograph my best friends family, but our schedules didn’t line up in time to complete this project.  I think that I have learned some great lessons though that I can apply to our session in the next few weeks.

I loved this day for my portraits because it was foggy and I have never taken photos in fog so to see the smoky faded background in the images I instantly fell in love with the look and will definitely cherish these photos forever. I planned to try and use some reflectors but I think the fog helped light my subjects very well and worked out great as I didn’t have an extra hand.










Portrait Edits:

On this photo I edited the overall color to make the fog stand out a bit more, then I edited their faces to make them smoother and brighten her teeth and eyes to make them pop a bit more.

JaleneStradling-Portraits-1_edits JaleneStradling-portraits-colormatch-source

For this image I loved the look of it but the original was too dark so I matched the coloring from another image, I love how simple and easy it was to use this tool and make the image similar in coloring to the source image.

JaleneStradling-portraits-colormatch-edit JaleneStradling-portraits-colormatch-original JaleneStradling-portraits-colormatch-source

For this image I changed the color of her coat to be a bright blue with a blue trim instead of the original gray with pink trim using the color replacement tool in photoshop.

JaleneStradling-Portraits-3_colorReplacement  JaleneStradling-Portraits-3b_colorReplacement








Reflector Activity

For this activity we used reflectors and natural light to capture the way light reflects off the reflectors and captures our subjects in a better light.  I liked this activity because it showed how you can drastically change the look of an image just by using reflectors before editing the image.  I used a white, silver and gold reflector to capture the light on my model.

White Reflector

IMG_9359 (2)

Gold Reflector


Silver Reflector


No Reflector


Blog 6 CREATIVITY: Close up and personal

This week was fun as we learned about how to take good Macro images.  I never realized how hard it is to capture a great macro until we started practicing.  We used extension tubes and filters to convert our cameras to take amazing macro shots.  I used the filters on my camera to capture my images and really had to focus my breathing so I could capture that one sharp spot of the focal point in my images.  I also liked that we turned off the auto focus on our cameras and caught these images by manually focusing on the subjects.  As hard as it was to get out of the habit of not using the auto focus, it made me really thing and focus on where I wanted to set up the composition of my images.

Pink and Gold Brooch, I love all the details that are captured when you are able to capture macro images.


Purple Prickly Flower


Banana Grape Juice


Rainy Shades


Blog 5 COMPOSITION – Perspective of 12


For this project I chose to use a camera from my camera collection. I chose to use the Kodak Duaflex IV Camera.  I was lucky enough to inherit all of my grandparents old cameras right before my grandfather passed away.  They were in the process of moving and I came across all these cameras that they were trying to sell at a yard sale.  I asked my grandpa if I could have them if they didn’t sell.  At the end of the day I got a box full of vintage cameras that mean so much to me.  I love thinking about all the images that this camera took in its former life and wanted to capture the different perspectives of this camera.

I wanted to edit these pictures with a vintage feel.  I edited them with photoshop by adjusting the levels of the pictures and sharpening the focal points of the images.  I then added a faded action to make them look slightly vintage.  Some of the pictures I added a “red plaster” texture to the image and then changed the overlays to enhance different parts of the pictures I added them too. I used overlays like multiply, overlay, and hue. I used the same texture for different images I added it to.

These are my favorite images from the collage.

JaleneStradling_P6 JaleneStradling_P7

JaleneStradling_P11 JaleneStradling_P12




I had a lot of fun taking these pictures and remembering my grandpa. I love vintage things and especially my camera collection since they are a family heirloom.

JaleneStradling_P10     JaleneStradling_P5 JaleneStradling_P4 JaleneStradling_P3 JaleneStradling_P2

This was the texture that I used:
